My Passport For Mac Beeping

My Passport For Mac Beeping 5,8/10 3733 votes

The other is called WD My Passport for Mac and is designed to be plugged into a Mac and work straight away. Regardless of which one you have you can use both on a Mac. So why pay the extra dollars for the one sold and branded for Mac when they both will work?

Free trial digitizing embroidery software for mac. My 1tb My Passport just started making these weird beeping noises, the light constantly flashes and my computer senses it when connected but nothing pops up. I also went through the my computer>computer management>devise manager etc.

When im in properties it say the devise is working properly but when i go to the Volumes tab>populate, this is what i get Disk: Disk 1 Type: Unknown Status: Not Initialized Partition Style: Not Applicable Capacity: 0mb Unallocated space: 0mb Reserved space: 0mb I can have it replaced because its still under warranty but i want to retrice the data i have on this HD. What causes the beeping? I’ve tried doing some research and seen some people actually opening up there HD and moving the heads and platers to fix the problem. Do you think this will resolve my problem?

Here is a video to of my passport making beeping.

To keep pace with the rapid changes in and seamless release cycles of some of today's most popular browsers, Skillsoft has updated their methodology for third-party browser and plugin support. Not We support the latest official (not pre-release or beta) releases of Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Chrome browsers for Windows platforms, Safari for Mac platforms, and the native browsers in most tablets and smartphones. If we encounter problems with a new version when it is released, we will maintain a list of known issues and work to address them as soon as possible. This policy applies to all Skillsoft product releases for all supported browsers, Oracle Java JRE, and Adobe Flash player. This will not change our stated support for past Skillport or Skillsoft Course Player versions. We take pride in providing our users with a modern, rich, web eLearning experience, and strive to support all browsers to the fullest.

Does the drive have a letter assigned to it in Windows? You may have a corrupted file system on the drive. If it has a letter, you can check by doing the following: If you are using Vista or higher, you will first need to open an elevated command prompt. From the Start Menu, under Accesories find Command Prompt and right click. Select Run As Adminstrator and accept the User Account Control prompt. If you are using XP you can just run the Command Prompt.

When the command prompt appears, type CHKDSK driveletter: /F (replacing driveletter with your assigned letter). It will check the file system and attempt to correct any errors. However, be aware depending on its condition you may still end up with corrupted files. Some times this corruption can occur when unplugging from your TV or not safely removing the device from your computer. If this is a portable drive (no separate power supply), then this may be a power issue. Portable hard drives require a fair bit of power, and while they SHOULD fall within the USB specs (500mA for USB 2.0), some demand a little more. Equally, some hosts (computers, TVs etc) provide just a little below spec, so sometimes you get a bad combination.


To test this theory, try the HD on a number of different USB ports on different computers (not just your PC & Mac) and see if they can be read on any of them. If this is indeed the problem, and none of the ports on your computers provide enough power, then there are two things you can do: 1) get a USB 'Y' cable which will aggregate the power from two different sockets or 2) use an external power supply if your HD has a socket for one (if it does not, you may be able to obtain another HD enclosure, which does have such a connection, and transfer the drive itself to it.