Mac Address For Kodi

Mac Address For Kodi 5,6/10 1835 votes

It can sometimes be useful to obtain the MAC address of your Raspberry Pi’s network interfaces. The “Media Access Control” address is a unique identifier given to all networked devices. The address is different for all Pi’s and can be used to identify your device. Think of it as a digital fingerprint.

There is a separate MAC address for Ethernet and WiFi interfaces. There are a number of ways to identify them using the command line or using Python code.

Sends a WOL magic packet to a remote device using its ethernet MAC address and displays a notification if and when the device is available. ----- The Addon can be launched manually from the Programs-section of XBMC (and thus added to your favourites, etc.), and can also be configured in the addon-settings to autostart with XBMC, thus waking up your remote device when XBMC starts. Nov 5, 2018 - I cannot get Kodi app to work with Stalker_Client. Getting Authentication Failed. I noticed that Kodi has 1 MAC Address that is different from the.

Kodi for mac computer

Below are some quick examples you can use to find the MAC address. From the Command Line To find the MAC address from the command line you need to know the name of the interface. Software

The Ethernet interface used to be called “eth0” but in newer versions of Raspbian it may be “enx########” where ######## is the MAC address. This means the Ethernet interface name is unique for every Pi. The first WiFi interfaces is still named “wlan0”. You can find the interface names by using: ls /sys/class/net/ The name will be one of the displayed sub-directories alongside “lo”.

You can then use the following command: cat /sys/class/net/####/ address or you can type: ifconfig #### You should swap #### for the interface name. This will result in output similar to: eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr c7:35:ce:fd:8e:a1 inet addr: Bcast: Mask: inet6 addr: fe80::ba27:ebff:fefc:9fd2/64 Scope:Link UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 or enxc735cefd8ea1: flags=4163 mtu 1500 inet netmask broadcast inet6 fe80::5280:6726:a47d:f38c prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x20 ether c7:35:ce:fd:8e:a1 txqueuelen 1000 (Ethernet) The “HWaddr” or “ether” value is the MAC address. In this example “c7:35:ce:fd:8e:a1” Finding the Ethernet Interface Name Using Python The names used for the Ethernet and wireless interface on the current version of Raspbian are “eth0” and “wlan0”. In some older iterations of Raspbian these names were based on the MAC address of the interface using what is known as “predictable interface names”. For this reason I created a function to determine the name regardless of the scheme being used: def getEthName(): # Get name of the Ethernet interface try: for root,dirs,files in os.walk('/sys/class/net'): for dir in dirs: if dir[:3]=='enx' or dir[:3]=='eth': interface=dir except: interface='None' return interface It looks at the sub-directories of /sys/class/net/ and finds either “eth0” or the name starting with “enx”. Several minor fixes and improvements to the Python code: 1. The open command should not have a comma in the arguments.

Readline() could just be read() as there will never be more than one line. Instead of returning str[0:17] just return str.strip() and it will remove the trailing newline. (Stylistic only) Try to avoid “str” as the name of a variable, as it masks the str type which is a builtin function. Obviously not important in a tiny function like this but it’s a good practice not to mask builtin names some day you’ll avoid wasting hours troubleshooting the obscure bugs caused by doing such things.