How To Do A Drop Down List In Excel For Mac

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Adding a drop-down list to a cell or range using Data Validation is a simple matter. Data Validation is used to define restrictions on what data can or should be entered into a cell. Here we’ll use a List to restrict what values can be entered into a cell. Create a Drop-Down List for a Cell or Range Select the cell or range you want to use for a drop-down list, then • Choose Data Validation from the Data Tools group on the Data tab • Select the Settings tab • In the Allow box, select List • Click the Source box • Type in a list of values separated by a comma • Make sure the In-cell dropdown box is checked • Click OK The list I created was for cell A1, which is shown below. Excel 2010 Drop Down List List Data Sources Manually entering the source data for the Excel 2010 drop down list is probably the least desirable method.

To show a message that doesn’t stop people from entering data that isn’t in the drop-down list, click Information or Warning. Information will show a message with this icon and Warning will show a message with this icon. To stop people from entering data that isn’t in the drop-down list, click Stop. Mar 26, 2018  Type a list of items you want displayed in your drop-down list. Each item should reside in its own cell, and be displayed in the same column. For example, if you're creating a drop-down menu that contains a list of sports, type 'baseball' in cell A1, 'basketball' in cell A2, 'football' in cell.

A better way is to put the list in a range, then refer to the range. The same list data was put into the range J1:J6, then I changed the source reference to these cells. This is a better method than manually entering the values, but older versions of Excel require the list to be on the same worksheet. One way around this, and a better solution, is to give the List range a Name.

You can give the List range a Name then use it for the Source. For example, I selected the range J1:J6 then typed TheNames into the, thereby creating a Named Range.

On the Data Validation dialog box I typed in =TheNames into the Source box. Virtual software for mac. Now let’s assume that we have to add a couple more names to the list. Instead of changing every cell that references this Data Validation list, we just change the reference to the Named Range.

(Choose > Name Manager, select the Named Range, change the reference in the Refers to box, then click the green arrow to make the change and click Close.) But if the list will grow over time, changing the reference should be done automatically with a dynamic Named Range formula. We’ll do this by using the OFFSET formula. • Choose Formulas > Name Manager • Select New • Type a Name in the Name box (I’ll use myNamesList) • In the Refers to box type =OFFSET(Sheet1!$J$1,0,0,COUNTA(Sheet1!$J:$J),1) • Click OK Now select the cell or range with Data Validation and, • Choose Data > Data Validation • Select the Settings tab • In the Source box type in =myNamesList (or the Name you created) • Click OK This Named Range formula is dynamic, which means the source list will expand when names are added to the list.

If the list contains more than 8 values the drop-down list will have a scroll bar. Excel – Pick from Drop Down List Hopefully you can now create a drop-down list that will meet your needs. • Problem–How to display a default selection from DDLs? Great tool Gregory Thanks. Great posts for very basic Excel user. Problem defined– Using your Drop Down List for Suites, Discounts, Specials, and other options in B&B booking system database (Generally selecting various costs via LOOKUP) –On selection of new booking record– How to display a default selection from DDLs? Discounts=”None”, Special Packages=”None” Tools– iMac-3.06 GHz Intel Core i3, OS X 10.6.8 Snow Leopard plan to upgrade to OS X 10.7x Lion Working– Upgrading small (.

• Larry Anderson I see all kinds of dependent drop down lists where you select an item and then go to the next column and select another item. In my case I would like to create a dependent drop down list where you select a Hallway (example: Hallway 1) in say cell A1, after selecting Hallway 1, I would then click on cell a1 drop down list again and have it show me a list of all the Room Numbers in Hallway 1 being the final result. So, Click on drop down arrow, Click on Hallway 1, Click on drop down arrow, Click on Room # 125.